Apr 29, 2008

"Go Green" Designs

The photos are from my recent "Spring in NJ" photoshoot :-)
GoGreen Design1 Postcard postcard
GoGreen Design1 PostcardbyYoshika
GoGreen Design2 Blank Card postcard
GoGreen Design2 Blank CardbyYoshika
Get this custom postcard at Zazzle
And the first one (Postcard) was featured as Today's Best at Zazzle.com yesterday!
Thank you!
PhotobucketToday's Best April 28, 2008
GoGreen Design1 Postcard postcard
GoGreen Design1 Postcard

Apr 26, 2008

Receive my heart <33333

Sending lots of love from Spring in NJ

Love, Yoshika

Apr 23, 2008

My Tribute to Life

As you may already know, Recently I was working on a little photo project "Come Walk With Me" NYC Dog Walking Tour which required me to walk around NYC. And as extention of it, (embarrasingly,) I finally visited Ground Zero for the first time in 6 and a half years after the attack. Since I felt something that I never thought I would while visiting there, though it's not even around the anversary day, I couldn't help writing the blog, "My Tribute to Life"
I have to say, this blog may not be for those who are at the stage in their lives where they do not want to look back what happened on September 11th 2001 now. Although I did avoid taking the photos that were too sad, the ones I took at the tribute gallery might still make you emotional in some ways.
So, only if you like, please visit the blog at my personal profile and read the blog.


And I have also added 30 more new photos of Downtown NY to the slide show, NYC Dog Walking Tour on my blog, Please check it out as well!

Armed officer talking with a traveler on Wall St.

Near China Town

Love, Yoshika

Apr 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!!

Happy Earth Day!
This is my myspace comment images for Earth Day greeting:)

Artwork from "Plant A Tree with Your Cell Phone" http://www.seedcollective.org/

Love, Yoshika

Apr 21, 2008

911 Tribute Gallery

These are some photos of Ground Zero and the tribute gallery.

Ground Zero

Entrance of the tribute gallery

Entrance photo of the tribute gallery.

Inside the gallery

The photo of the rescue scene

The remains from the attack

Bended metal that shows the terribleness of the impact of collapse.

The wall of missing person messages from victim families

Japanese Origami Cranes sent from family, friends, and co-workers of Fuji Bank as well as schoolchildren in Japan. (There were 24 Japanese victims.)

Explains the meaning of Japanese Origami Cranes

The walls of photos of the victims

Poster outside the gallery

Apr 19, 2008

New Pattern Designs!

I have added some pattern designs to my design shop.

Square Pattern Design Mousepad Blue mousepad
Square Pattern Design Mousepad BluebyYoshika

Square Pattern Pink Mousepad2 mousepad
Square Pattern Pink Mousepad2byYoshika

Round Chain Pattern Design2 Mousepad mousepad
Round Chain Pattern Design2 MousepadbyYoshika

Euphorian Chic Pattern Mousepad mousepad
Euphorian Chic Pattern MousepadbyYoshika

EC Mousepad 2 mousepad
EC Mousepad 2byYoshika

And one of them received the today's best from zazzle.com Thank you again!
Red Ribbon

You're in Today's Best

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Your product, Square Pattern Pink Mousepad2, has been selected as one of Today's Best on Zazzle!

This means it will appear on the Zazzle homepage for the rest of today and it will also be added to the Todays Best Awards Showcase. Keep up the great work!

Bask. Glow. The honor is yours to enjoy.


Love, Yoshika

Apr 14, 2008

Come Walk With Me --- My NYC Dog Walking Tour ---

This nice weather inspired me to work on this photo project "Come Walk With Me" --NYC Dog Walking Tour --. Although I want to show the slide show on this blog too, I set the size of the slide show big for the better view. I don't think it fits on this blog. So, please check out the slide show on my myspace blog showing over 150 photos of dog walkers in NYC and some NYC photos :-)

Hope you have a lovely new week.

Love, Yoshika

Apr 12, 2008

My Window Display Clitique No.2

These are from my window shopping the other day in Upper East Manhattan, the last one is East Village. I thought I should write this entry before I forget!

I just thought these are very eye catchy. It is only that I thought this display sculpture might work better for something else.... It could create very creative & effective window display if used for something else.... I didn't feel this synthetic material matched neither their products nor the wood color of the shop either....

I thought this window was very cute. It wasn't a big window, but very catchy and creative. Their products look good with it too!

Well, I found this cafe very creative. From this cute window display, I first thought it was houseware shop or something. Inside, it seems they also sell some jewelry or something and their table & chair were also well designed and very cute. Everything was so fashionable, but it makes me wonder if the food tastes good or not.... Maybe it tastes like fashion as well.... :D

I think one window display could create lasting impressions in people's mind. And that's very important. And I thought this was a very successful one. This eye catchy window made me wonder what shop it was first.....and I thought it was a very smart idea to use Buddha lighting statues for florist! I think this Buddha statue thing could make the shop look cheap, but they did great job with colors, plant arrangement and choice of furniture etc... it didn't look cheap at all. This window would definitely make people say... "Ah... that florist with orange Buddhas!"

I forgot the name of the shop already. I just liked the lighting. It worked well with their products. It could be used for many other purposes, with different light colors etc....

I think it was an ice cream shop. (I might be wrong...I didn't look closely. ) I just thought this modern feature was very cute. This is very fashionable and young people would love it. And if it really was an ice cream shop, it might makes us feel like eating sherbet. (It wouldn't make me feel their chocolate chip ice cream tasty, though... )

That's all for today...

I caught a cold while going out to Manhattan in recent changeable weathers. But I'm feeling better now :-)

Love, Yoshika

Apr 10, 2008

Sakura Namiki in NYC

Chelsea is my favorite part of Manhattan. While walking the area a couple days ago, I found the Sakura blossom streets :-) The last one is West Village.

Chelsea is one of the places in Manhattan that I have lived before. It was not for long. But, I did spend one spring while living there... What a shame....I didn't know that there were lovely Sakura streets....

Love, Yoshika

Apr 7, 2008

Yo.Za.Ku.Ra (Night Sakura) in Manhattan

Well, it seems the weather is getting nicer and nicer these days. When I visited Central Park about a week ago (on March 30th), it still looked and felt like winter than spring. Here is the proof.

And this was taken in my area in NJ on the same day.

But, when I visited Manhattan yesterday I saw 30%~50% of Sakura buds already opened on Upper East side, and Upper West 80% of them already blooming. It is strange...I used to live in Manhattan for several years. But, this might be the first time I really appreciated Sakura blossoms on the streets of NY. So, I had to take some pictures.

Yo.Za.Ku.Ra (Night Sakura) in Manhattan

Love, Yoshika