Well, I was thinking that I should start posting my recent works on this blog. But, before doing that, I just wanted to share this real quick, because the photos you see below were one of my very reasons why I'm painting again.
Yes, the first one is my former/current uniform, and the second one is my school art bag, which is big enough to fit 24"x30" canvas in. I made both of them more than a decade ago while I was still going art school in NYC. (it was very scary to count the number, by the way.) I remember one day after I made a curtain for my apartment or just shortened my jeans or something....I forgot....but either one for sure, I also felt the need to have a big art bag, (art school often asks students to buy large drawing pads or illustration boards.) and I used the left-out cloth to make it. And after that, I also made the apron of which hearts were also from the clothes that I was no longer wearing, the red was from my vintage pants, the yellow was from my scarf. I am basically not a great sewer. I just do it out of necessity every now and then, (shortening my jeans etc...) Maybe you can get that from my apron especially. I do remember that I didn't even measure them properly. But the art bag unexpectedly turned out well, and was indeed popular among my fellow school classmates. And despite the fact that the fabric cords for the apron were too thin and too short, (since I didn't have the suitable one at hand, I used the one that came with some shopping bag.) I used to wear it as my uniform whenever I painted.
Honestly, I had completely forgotten about those, even the fact that I kept them like that until I opened some old boxes in my storage this time. You can or can not imagine how I felt at that time. But, anyway those are one of my very reasons why I have started to paint again.
Actually, the art bag is still in good shape and was very useful during this summer whenever I had to bring some of my old paintings from one place to another. And of course I have started to wear the apron again whenever I paint, still thinking I should change the fabric cords that are still too thin and too short....
That's all for today.
I think I will share my recent works from now little by little.
I think I will share my recent works from now little by little.
Love, Yoshika