May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day! (Poem)

Today is a mother's day..... So, happy mother's day to all moms in the world!!

Well, come to think of it, it is indeed a good thing to have a day to appreciate someone around you whom you might tend to take for granted everyday.

But in my case, to be honest, I didn't feel like celebrating this day for my own mother for a long time who is no longer in this world, though I think of her a lot on her death anniversary day, and still feel like celebrating her birthday every year.

But today, I felt like celebrating it for her for the first time in many years. And then, I felt like sharing this poem that I wrote for her several years ago. And while I was reading this poem, I noticed that I was still missing her terribly, but at the same time, was also reading it with much more peaceful state than before... which is a good thing I guess....:-)

Anyway, this is for you, Happy mother's day, お母さん!



Smell of Marigold
Your beautiful orchid,
Marie Laurencin's picture book,
and Queen Elizabeth stamp collection...

With a heart of little girl,
you dreamed of the land of England.

Those are the things that remind me of your smile.
Standing in a summer breeze that brings salty air from the sea,
I close my eyes
And the same question keeps repeating in my head

Why couldn't I notice your pains?...
The pain behind your smile,
The pain behind your strength...

Being buried in my unresolved guilt
Your words keep repeating in my head.

"You have a gentle heart."

So, just tonight,
let me return to your little girl
Let me sleep in a blanket of your love.
So, tomorrow, I promise, I will be strong again.

Please, mother,
just tonight,
let me see you in my dream...

"Gentle Heart"
Water Color 2004

Love, Yoshika

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