May 12, 2009

Introducing Queen Anne and Queen Anne's Lace Illustration Series vol.8

"Queen Anne's Masquerade"

Covert: Narration is written in both Japanese and English (though they are slightly different and excuse me if there are English mistakes.) If you would like this entry to make more sense, please read earlier entries of "About Queen Anne Illustration Series". This series is work in progress. So, you might see some changes or additions as the story goes.


夜が明けるとともに、みんな Le pré d'Anges(天使の草原)に集まり始め、クイーンアンが朝の紅茶を終え着いたときには草原はもうみんなでにぎわっていました。




そうすることで、みんな同じように見えてしまうため、みんなそれぞれの特技などを披露して、お気に入りの人に気が付いてもらわなければいけないのです。だから特に、独身の人達は一生懸命です。そして、結婚している人や恋人がいる人たちは 冬の間別々に暮らした後、この舞踏会で相手のいいところをまた再発見してまた大好きになるのです。

ある人は 大好きな歌を披露します。
ある人は ポエムを朗読します。
ある人は 得意なダンスステップを披露します。
ある人は 難しいスピン飛行を披露します。
そしてある人は 一生懸命面白い話をして、相手に気がついてもらおうとがんばるのです。


今となっては、シングルのみんなは この舞踏会を "マッチメーカー舞踏会"、カップルのみんなは、"愛を再び舞踏会" などと呼ぶようになっています。

* * * * * * * *









Finally, today is the day of long anticipated Queen Anne's Masquerade!

Everybody started to gather at Le pré d'Anges as soon as the day broke, and by the time Queen Anne arrived after her morning tea, the meadow was already packed with fun loving birds!

Actually there are reasons why Queen Anne's Masquerade has become so popular.
As it is called "Queen Anne's Masquerade", this masquerade was created by Queen Anne several years ago.

Queen Anne was thinking how she could help their birdy kingdom to be more loving place. So, she created a simple, but a kind of special masquerade, which is, all guests, both singles and couples, must show up without a date, and all girls must wear Queen Anne's Lace.

Since all girls, all boys are all look alike, especially for singles, they have to express their unique qualities in order to impress their ideal mate. And for couples, after spending winter apart, they often rediscover their good qualities, and fall in love with each other all over again.

Some sing their favorite songs,
some read their poetry,
some show of their dance steps,
some show of their spinning flying skills in the sky,
and, some simply try to impress their ideal mate with a nice talk with great sense of humor....

Many happy new couples (including gay couples) are born during this masquerade every year. Also, since this masquerade started several years ago, the divorce rate has been dramatically decreased. Queen Anne couldn't be happier about it!
And after its consecutive successful years, now some (singles) call it "Match-Maker Ball", some (couples) call it "Let's-Rekindle-Love Ball" or "Make-Up & Make-Out Ball."

Thus, the masquerade lasts all day long until the sunset.

Today, Queen Anne is also all dressed up with Queen Anne's Lace, watching over other birds from the branch of her castle tree. She is feeling very happy seeing everybody having a wonderful time.

"It's about time......"

The one that Queen Anne is waiting for is of course her beloved James.
Although both Queen Anne and King James are busy watching everybody most of times, at the end of the masquerade, they are always saving the last dance for each other. So, Queen Anne can not wait for the sunset.

While having the last dance with James who is behind a mask, somehow he looks much more handsome than usual. And she always falls in love with him all over again...

Queen Anne even wonders how or why she always feels like that during the dance. It is as if she returned to a little girl...

But, according to what others say, the similar thing seems to be happening to many of them at the masquerade.
And now everybody has started saying,

"That's the magic of Queen Anne's Masquerade..."

Queen Anne is actually loving it very much.

She was still waiting for the arrival of James remembering the magical moment again.
And she quietly said to herself a little prayer, and sent it to the sky as always.

"Whether it is a magic or not, may the masquerade be successful, may the kingdom be a more and more loving place...."

Of course.....this time, with a smile of young girl on her face....

Title: Queen Anne's Masquerade
Prints are available at
or, for cards & stamps.

Love, Yoshika

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